October 27. Slog 2

Slog 2

            To prepare for the weekly quiz, I go through my teacher’s class notes and try to understand it all. If I don’t understand, then I will look at another teacher’s notes to make sure I understand the material thoroughly. Usually I go through all three teachers notes, since each has a different way of explaining the material and I find it very useful. After understanding the material, I will always go through the week’s lab exercise for the quiz. I do every single exercise in the interaction tab and make sure understand each function. Generally, the quiz and test are very similar in terms of material and the only difference is that I study for the test by using past tests instead of lab exercises.
            There was this one image I was proud of. I first found an image of a heart on google, copied it into Dr. Racket and by using the scale, list and map functions I could create a heart inside a heart inside a heart, gradually increasing in size. I think it was a pretty cool looking image.
            I always find the formatting to be the hardest, because you must remember every single detail and one small mistake will not allow this function to run properly. A single space, a missed bracket or even the order of the words will change the function entirely. But after a while of practicing, I find that I’m getting used to it and I don’t make as many mistakes I used to at the beginning. Practice makes perfect.

            I think asking questions on Piazza or discussion board would be the most convenient, since when we are studying on a computer using Dr. Racket any material we don’t understand, it’s easy for us to type in the question on Piazza and having a teacher answering it right away. Asking a question, the next day by going to an office hour, we don’t have Dr. Racket in front of us to remember the exact function. I’m just hoping the teachers will answer any questions on piazza or email as quickly as possible.


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